The Best and Worst Day of the Year

Cari Rae
7 min readJun 12, 2021

(Written January 20th, 2020)

Today is the day Joe Biden will get officially inaugurated as President of the United States. Whatever that means. It means many different things to many different people, it seems. For some people it means freedom and hope, for others it means the end of the world. Suffice to say it means he has the most power, as any one person, in American government. I don’t think that’s actually true, but that is the symbol for which he will stand. Previously Donald Trump held this fictitious title and has been on the stage for the past four years. I don’t have much of personal opinion about it aside from the obvious — this position is that of the “grand puppet”, for which I am very grateful I was not born and bred to hold. I imagine the unfortunate souls who are groomed for this position have no real connection to their own soul or the experience of being human with it. They have invisible strings, and words written for them. Appearances and appointments which must be upheld. A swarm of people around them all the time. I imagine taking a shit is probably the most enjoyable part of their day. And that they are carefully conditioned into becoming sociopathic.

Many people believe this is not the case. This position is often even held to the standard of “savior”. I’d say of all the presidents whom have taken office during my lifetime, the last few have all been given this sort of status among some portion of the U.S. population. Biden because he’s saved us all from Trump. Trump because he “stood up” for the working class. Obama because he was the first black president, and gave particularly well articulated, moving speeches. The population has been trained to be manipulated, after all.

Young people, though they may not believe so, are probably even more susceptible to this type of manipulation. People who are older, while they have more conditioning to contend with, have also been around long enough to see that nothing really changes for the better of the [true]collective in the realm of politics. It’s always, somebody wins and somebody loses. A little more freedom here, a little less freedom here. A little more for humanity, a little less for the natural world of plants, animals, water, air, etc. By the time one is at the age where the country is supposed to “take care of them”, and one’s work “is done”, there is no mistake. That may be the time where one feels the country has spit them out more than ever, and the will to fight dwindles quite a bit. Such people may just wish to spend their final years in peace. And any peace one is able to find has to be within, in one’s immediate experience, and has very little to do with who is president.

Maybe this is cynical of me, surely. But this is the sentiment I get when I interact with the elderly. I don’t hold some belief that “it doesn’t matter, life is going to suck either way” — no. I have been fortunate enough to discover that my own personal life is where I carve out meaning, where I hold power, and where I can make decisions which immediately impact my quality of life. This is still affected by the goings on of the designed matrix and the political realm captured within it, but it is felt and experienced to a far lesser degree than those who have bought the ticket and are committed to taking the ride. I do not see the place where some kind of revolution within the ready-made system will bring about great things for the people. Though I do see the place where little seeds can be planted all along the periphery of these spectacles, and where people can gain enough power in their own lives and families, and therefore within their own communities, to where Washington doesn’t matter so much. These are the very seeds which need be planted should everything get to a point where it is no longer “functional” for the majority of people.

That point looks different for everyone, it seems. I would say it’s all still functional, but more specifically it has always been dysfunctional. And it is nearing its end, which was always tied to its beginning. I am grateful for this, as it is often psychopathic and inhumane. The current system is not in line with the laws of nature, nor the empirical truth. In considering all of this, I don’t see the benefit of continuing to put effort and energy into upholding it. I see the attention and energy of each individual as their greatest power. So shifting it away from the propped-up matrix and towards individual power and autonomy is what I believe will have the greatest positive impact. I am not interested in waiting for a savior. I’m interested in getting brutally, brutally honest with myself and others. I’m interested in asking the questions nobody wants to ask themselves. And I’m interested in co-creating something based upon the answers which appear. Investing time and energy into something one doesn’t truly, fully and totally believe in is literally living a lie. Is just following one’s conditioning. Is just avoiding asking the questions, and taking the responsibility. Avoiding the unknown.

This is a lesson. One has to see clearly. Then one must take one’s power back. Then take action that is in line with the dead-honest dream in one’s heart and mind. Then make adjustments along the way as that dream changes, or as new insight occurs, or as obstacles are encountered. One does not waiver. One does not surrender one’s power. One need not damn, condemn, or hold arrogance towards others. Only do what needs to be done in order to stay in line with nature, oneself, and the benefit of one’s community. It’s not terribly complicated, actually. And I feel many people are seeing this and understand it. Perhaps not enough of them are screaming it from the rooftops, because they are busy working towards that end.

When the time comes, the little saplings will begin bearing fruit all over the place. There will be stewards who usher in a newer world for their children and grandchildren. People who can see past the divisions, and who recognize themselves in all others. There will be people who are resilient and who understand. There will be people who can lead. There will be people who have brilliant ideas, but who don’t wish to use them to control or dominate life. And all the rot and confusion and chaos and backwards-nature aspects of the current matrix will have to either perish or adapt. That is what nature has always done. There is no “fair” or “right” in it. It just is. One simply sees it, and accepts it, and acts accordingly. Or one may deny it, try to control it or exploit it for their ego’s own selfish ends, and suffer due to the attachments they have built which deceive them into believing they have or need more control. Or that they have no control. The only control one has is within. It is the power to use the mind and heart to see the truth and act according to it. To become the instrument. To be pure and righteous. It’s a choice. One may damn that truth, or flow with it and enjoy the experience. This is what I see.

I am choosing, everyday, to enjoy this experience. To practice paying better attention. To practice creating, and finding power in my ability. To exercise my gifts and share them with my community. To be humble and have grace. To be grateful for the divine. To be grateful for the (sometimes rocky) process of unfoldment. To be courageous in the face of whatever I am to encounter. To work towards building a sustainable and conscientious, interconnected space for the future. To give compassion towards myself and others. To not try to control or enforce my will upon others.

To remember to breathe and accept things as they are. To not harbor on the past, and to walk, delighted, towards whatever future awaits me. And to understand that I have agency in that future by focusing my attention on things which produce joy, peace, and love in this moment. All one has to do is see. Is have the desire to be honest, and to look. To not be convinced that one fully comprehends and has all the answers. To have humility. To want to love all of creation, accept it, and enjoy it. Rather than waste energy condemning or complaining.

To never stop trying to understand myself and others — and in that, to truly and honestly, openly (and without attaching to my own biases), listen. To feel. To resonate. To find a harmony and rhythm. One which aligns with that sense of peace which is so deeply imbedded into every human being. It is possible. I can feel it. I will not give up trying.

And I will cast my vote in ways that have nothing to do with politics.

I will commit to building what I want to see in my community by my own hands, and with others who share in the dream of existing as one. As a family that extends unto infinity.



Cari Rae

Singer/Poet/Writer/Etc. “I don’t know what I am. I know that I am not a category. I am not a thing — a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process…”