Exchange Rate

Cari Rae
6 min readDec 18, 2023

Everything in this experience we call “life” can be made easier with one simple rule. A rule that stems from one even simpler understanding. That is, that everything — absolutely everything — in its essence, is just energy. The root, the base, the foundation of all that appears to exist in this world is an energetic one. A vibrational one. You, me, the table, the cell phone, the apple, the barking of the dog, the feeling of silk, the thoughts which appear in the mind… all of it. Every ounce of experiencing is made up of the currency of energy. Unique frequencies dancing in patterns which produce the appearance of whatever it is that is appearing to us. And what it is that patterns these frequencies, you might wonder? Well, that would be the power of our mind, of belief. But that’s a topic for another essay.

With the understanding that everything is purely energy — despite the myriad of appearances and distractions brought on by energy’s various and infinite forms — we can see how learning to control or “understand the language” of energy would be highly beneficial in creating an easier time navigating our lives. If I could manipulate energy at will with my awareness, whatever I seem to need from moment to moment would always appear, would it not? If I was clear on what it was I wanted or needed in any given moment, and could speak the language of energy, I could easily make requests into the ether with certainty that they would be answered. This may seem far-fetched, but that is only because 99% of humanity at this time is operating from their unconscious mind. There seems to be very little clarity, and a whole lot of confusion about what seems to be appearing in our experience and why. There is a whole lot of projection, blame, frustration and victimization (aka: different forms of resistance). All of which is awfully disempowering. It’s no wonder most people feel they are a victim of their circumstances. Though nothing could be further from the truth!

Energy isn’t selfish or biased, it responds with flawless, neutral accuracy. It works on an exchange rate. Give and take. The exchange should always be equal. When it isn’t, this is felt internally. That is, if we learn to speak the language of energy. This might show up like:

-Feeling tired after an interaction with someone

-Feeling energized after an interaction with someone

-Feeling drained after a workday

-Feeling energized after playing an instrument

-Feeling depressed

-Feeling elated

-Craving food

-Having no appetite

-Craving sex

…and many, many other ways!

Energy does not always speak verbally. But we are always attuned to it, whether we are aware or not. If we choose to ignore our unique frequency, we will fall out of alignment with ourselves. If we want to rekindle our alignment, we must prioritize integrity. We must be brutally honest with ourselves and take action which is in accordance with what we are feeling in each moment. Falling out of alignment may show up like:

-Not looking forward to going to work

-Not enjoying interactions with ________

-Living in a state of “lack” (financially, emotionally, physically, etc)

-Negative thoughts about oneself

-Negative thoughts about others

-Blaming others for our problems or misery

-Blaming/shaming ourselves

-Eating unhealthy foods

-Not taking care of our ourselves or our space

-Sleeping too much

-Feeling “stuck” in life

-Tolerating mental/emotional/physical abuse

…and many, many other ways!

I could expend energy right now, listing all of the ways in which one could counter-balance these habits, but I’m not going to do that. Instead, I’m going to teach you how to fish, so to speak. Remember that simple rule I mentioned at the beginning? Here it is: SEEK AN EQUAL ENERGETIC EXCHANGE RATE. That’s it. Pretty easy, huh? Let’s break it down into steps.

Step 1. Get in touch with your internal guidance system in relation to energy. After sleeping, eating, interacting with someone, having sex, making a phone call, driving somewhere, running an errand, mediating, working, going to the gym, walking the dog, listening to music, watching a movie, or whatever it is you might do in a given day, ask yourself: Do I feel energized, depleted, or neutral? Make notes of how these different activities make you feel, and then you will know what you need to do to create your unique energetic balance.

Step 2. Seek what gives you energy and avoid or set a boundary with what depletes you. This will start to hone your focus and align you. You have to be vigilant. Don’t make it personal, be objective. Prioritize yourself and be true to what you feel. Taking action that is in accordance with the feedback from your energetic system is the most important part!

Step 3. The more you give, the more you receive. Once you start to align with yourself, you will naturally find there is an abundance of energy. If you incorporate some kind of daily meditation, it may eventually seem like there is an endless well of energy you always have access to. With this, find ways to give to others who light up your heart center. If you have kids or pets, this is an easy one. If not, give to those less fortunate. Help a friend. Plant a tree. Volunteer to a cause or look for a job which resonates with you.

Step 4. Surround yourself with people who inspire you. Seek mentors. Find people who you resonate with. This will happen naturally if you set the intention and are in alignment with yourself. Be mindful and aware of your intentions — are you coming from a place of desperation or worship? If so, go back to step 1 and continue honing. If you’re coming from a place of desperation or worshiping someone (a projection/displacement of your own internal power), the exchange will likely not be equal. Sucking the life out of someone who gives you energy will be depleting for them. And putting someone up on a pedestal will be very depleting for you. Both of these create the illusion of dependency and disempower you. So be grateful, be humble, but don’t be an energy vampire and don’t diminish yourself in interactions. Ask yourself, what can I offer them? If you have a mentor, pay them for their time. Help them with their mission. The exchange has to be mutually beneficial!

Step 5. Mentor others. Once you reach a point of endless energy, alignment, and inner fulfillment, you will more than likely want to help others find this balance and easiness of living. What unique way can your frequency attract others who resonate and assist them in achieving a state of energetic understanding? How can you, standing fully in your own integrity, bring more peace and bliss to the collective experience?

If we’re able to really practice these steps and live in alignment with our energetic frequency, we will find that the problems of yesterday seem like a dream. Challenges and situations that come up will be solved effortlessly with confidence and awareness. We can more easily stay in our integrity, which ends up being a service to all of humanity. Nobody benefits from you playing small. Nobody benefits from you living a life that wasn’t meant for you — a life that doesn’t light up your heart and spirit. Nobody benefits from you pretending to be weak and lacking. Nobody benefits from you limiting your full potential. And nobody benefits from you ignoring the truth that is seeded deep in your soul, just waiting for a little water, soil, air and sunlight to bloom.

Water, soil, air and sunlight are all forms of energy.

Happy exchanging :)



Cari Rae

Singer/Poet/Writer/Etc. “I don’t know what I am. I know that I am not a category. I am not a thing — a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process…”